Videos can be found through regular search engines like Google and Bing as well as YouTube, MetaCafe, and other online video content platforms. Search results with video thumbnails draw more clicks than standard results. Research have shown that video thumbnails draw 41% more clicks than standard results, and can provide a long term SEO boost for your website.
To maximize SEO value, you will need to include one piece of video content on each page, and search engines will know to focus on that video. Multiple videos confuse search engines: they won’t know which one to focus on, so they'll ignore them all. Schema.org tags and markup can give search engines more information about the video content on your site, and can describe the content on each page. Optimization of videos for search could be accomplished by adding video transcripts, metadata, including title and description, and making the video prominent on your page on the site. If your video isn’t visible (or below the fold) on your website , Google will not rank that video on the page. For the purpose of generating traffic to your website, we at Free Online SEO Advice recommends that you host the video yourself or use a hosting solution that will get your video to rank and drive traffic to your own site. Do be sure to use metadata and optimize the content for search.
Iframes are the most common way that videos are added to a website. It will pull in the video from YouTube and basically have it show up in a rectangle on your site. Using iframes is an easy and roboust way to put a video on your website, and it will not affect anything else on your website. The problem with this approach is that Search Engines aren’t able to see what’s inside the iframe itself, and the video will not be indexed for the website Most video hosting options for websites will have an SEO option, so always avoid the iframe embed.
NO, there are no such thing. Posting duplicate copies of a video on YouTube and on your website: Can create problems, because the YouTube version most likely will rank higher than the version you posted on your website. So, it is important to think before you post duplicate content, because you don't want users being confused about which version is the right one or the official version of your video. Your video content can still rank highly by Google even if it'’'s not hosted on or embedded from YouTube. The reason why you most often see Youtube videos in your search results is that most of the videos on the internet is posted on YouTube.
NO, YouTube is an ideal place to post entertaining videos to drive new traffic for your videos, but your website content should feature videos that focus on conversions, building your audience, and customer support. Using online videos directed at non-customers would not make sense on a website for customers. Consider the audience and feature the appropriate, relevant content in each location. If you want to post a video to youtube, you will have to think search optimization for youtube videos. We recommend checking YouTube’s keyword research tool and optimizing your title. A combination of organic and paid search options should be used to drive traffic to your page, and optimizing your titles and descriptions with keywords selected for YouTube through research will increase the traffic.
Video search engines are a web based search engines which crawls the web for video content. Some video search engines parse externally hosted content while others allow content to be uploaded and hosted on their own servers. Some video search engines also allow users to search by video format type and by length of videos. Search results are usually accompanied by a thumbnail view of the video.
Video search engines are computer programs designed to find videos stored on digital devices, either through Internet servers or in storage units from the same computer. Search intent on video search engines tends to focus on entertainment or how to do things queries. Video search engines differ from standard search engines. Users search on YouTube for entertainment and some how to content, so when doing optimization of websites using videos you will have to make the content specifically targeting this intent, so it fits the purpose of the searcher.