What you put on your website, and how you design is still the bread and butter of search engine optimization. Your external back links, social media, and all that other good stuff, is what you put on your sandwich to make it perfect. The content and architecture is what makes the page worthy of a search result position. Just like the world’s markets, information is affected by supply and demand. The best online content is that which does the best job of supplying the largest demand. From an SEO perspective, content doesn't supply a demand or is not link-able is bad.
Backlinko.com has a very nice Info Graphic showing the anatomy of a perfectly on page optimized website. I will go over each of these twelve steps on this page.
Click Image to Enlarge
Source: On-Page SEO: Anatomy of a Perfectly Optimized Page – Infographic
A URL is human-readable text that was designed to replace IP addresses that computers use to communicate with servers. We recommend that you make them short and keyword rich, and use hyphens to separate words when necessary for readability.
Title tags are the second most important on page factor for SEO, after website content. The perfect title tag would be construction like this: Primary Keyword - Secondary Keyword | Brand Name. Title tags appear in three key places: browsers, search engine results pages, and external websites.
Adding multimedia to your page helps you boost user-interaction optimization signals that Google is paying attention to. Engaging images, videos and diagrams on your website can reduce bounce rate and increase average session duration. But, also be aware of the more multimedia you add to site the slower it will load, so you would at the same time try to minimize file sizes, and the amount of multimedia. Try to limit yourself to 3 images/diagrams and one video, and make sure their file size is a s little a possible.
Outbound links to related pages is a relevancy signal that helps a search engine zero-in on your page's topic. Make sure to add 2-3 outbound links to every page. Make sure these links goes to a relevant page on a high authority website. The definition of an authority site is a very high quality website that is respected by knowledgeable people in its industry.
Don't start off your posts with a long, meandering intro. Make it is easy for the search engines to find your target keywords by placing them towards the beginning of your content.
The heading tags are used to differentiate the heading of a page from the rest of the content. H1 is the main heading of the page, this is the heading search engines pays most attention too, and that's why you want this tag to contain the keywords you are focusing on. Also, make sure you only have one H1 tag per page.
Since Spring 2010 Google has used page load times as an optimization factor in its search ranking algorithms. Google's position is that faster-loading pages should be ranked higher because they provide a better experience for users. You might want to drop your shared hosting plan, for a dedicated or VPS as these plans offer faster more reliable server interaction. It might be worth it to pay a few bucks extra for this. Other optimization options are to remove coding you don't need, reduce the file size of multimedia, and use encryption and caching.
Adding modifiers such as best, guide, wiki and review to your title can help you rank for long tail versions of your target keyword. While a new website will rarely be able to compete in a crowded niche it can immediately fight for keyword phrases and keyword combinations that are neither the most competitive terms nor long tail (very specific or unusual) phrases.
Social signals are becoming a larger part of search engine algorithms, and getting your content shared on social media also means more visibility of your content, which in turn will increase the likelihood that someone will eventually link to you.
In the search engine optimization world a common saying is length is the strength, meaning the more content you put on the page the more the Search Engines will love you. Longer content has the potential to help you rank better for your on page target keywords, as long as they are frequently use in the content. Longer useful content also brings in more long tail traffic as you will add more keywords to your page.
Bounce Rate is a signal to search engines that your content isn't of interest for the person visiting your site. One of the easiest and most effective ways to decrease your bounce rate is to add internal links towards the beginning of your content.
Latent semantic indexing keywords (or LSI keywords) are nothing but SEO terms for related keywords or synonyms, they are used by search engines to determine the relevancy of a page. When a search engine determine what the content is all about, it uses LSI terms to judge the relevancy of an article or a webpage. The best way to find LSI keywords is taking a look at the relevant search at the bottom of the Google search result.